Money and Financial Institutions. Training CD-ROM "Money and Financial Institutions" - a project carried out by RIDemo in cooperation with the Bank of Latvia.
The Riga City School Board. The CD-ROM was ordered by the Riga City School Board. It was created on the basis of the corporative image of the organization.
"Latvia '98'. CD-ROM "Latvia '98" originates from a multimedia that was developed for "EXPO 98" in Lisbon.
Riga - the Capital of Latvia. The CD-ROM was developed in cooperation with the Foreign Department of Riga City Council. It provides a brief description of our capital Riga.
Ventspils Nafta. The work to develop multimedia disc about a/s Ventspils Nafta commenced in the late 1998 and was finished in February, 1999.
Latvian Oil Transit Route. CD-ROM "Latvian Oil Transit Route" was created for the global Oil and oil transit business meeting in London (1999).
Hanzas Bakery. The multimedia directory about Hanzas Bakery was the first interactive multimedia product developed by RIDemo.
Board of Riga Harbor. The multimedia disc about Riga Harbor was developed in fall of 1998. Its objective was a presentation in the global exhibition of harbors in Rotterdam (the Netherlands).
We have completed a business card CD-ROM presentation about Liepaja Special Economic Zone. It contains brief information about Latvia, Liepaja and its Special Economic Zone.
We published a pocket size CD-ROM for the Latvian Institute. It contains a videoclip "Welcome to My Country", song by "Brain Storm".
This extensive work was carried out for several months. The disc contains information both about Lattelekom as a company and about its services.